Welcome to PADA
by Patrick Smyth
Photographic and Digital Artists (PADA) is a collective of seasoned and innovative artists specializing in the continually evolving art form of photography. The youngest of the eight artists’ groups affiliated with the Palos Verdes Art Center, PADA members move toward creative exploration and excellence and adding knowledge of other art forms by sharing our ideas and techniques, critiquing one another’s work, engaging guest speakers, and participating in group exhibitions, workshops and field trips. Active participation by each member assures a rewarding association for all.
Our members’ approach to photographic art ranges from traditional “straight,” black-and-white silver gelatin prints produced in the darkroom to images meticulously crafted in the computer “lightroom.” Between these boundaries lies enormous variety, including light painting, scanner photography, collage and mixed media. In all cases, photography is involved in creating the artwork. PADA members draw from their diverse professional backgrounds--including education, journalism, psychology, engineering, computer science, medicine, as well as fine art and commercial photography--and bring a wealth of imagination. What they each share is a passion for using a camera to experiment, innovate and create unique windows through which to view the world.
Affiliated artists’ groups have been an essential part of Southern California’s Palos Verdes Art Center nearly since its inception in 1931. There were groups for painters, sculptors and ceramists, but none dedicated to fine art photography. In January 2006, a handful of artists from the Palos Verdes Art Center, led by Pauline Falstrom--a photographer noted for her classic black-and-white images--corrected that deficiency with the creation of PADA.
We continue to echo founding President Catherine Balcom’s hope that PADA “will inspire members to continue to move into new levels with their artwork and their passion for the photographic image.”