Pictures from Summer’s Edge Show

Below are pictures from the opening and closing days of the Summer’s Edge show at the Loft in San Pedro, June and July, 2022. Thanks to Doug Magill for providing some of the images.

The entrance, by Paul A.

Jim, Margie, Bob, and Astrid at the opening, by Doug Magill

Pat, by Doug Magill

Ming and Maryl, by Doug Magill

Patrick with visitors, by Doug Magill

Paul B. with visitors, by Paul A.

Jim with visitors, by Paul A.

Ming describing his work, by Paul A.

Ben and Margie, by Paul A.

Reidar describing his image to Paul B. and a visitor, by Paul A.

The last hour of closing day, by Doug Magill


PVAC Summer Show 2022


Pictures from the Malaga Cove Art on the Lawn Show